This is a piece of me that I am now sharing, that I never let out on, its raw emotions, things that attract my heart, mirror images of my mind and heart that I want to share with you.
If I can inspire you with this, then I am glad.
I try to live with this song in my heart:
I may not be who you want me to be,
but I am who I want to be,
and that is more important.
Yes I have dreams and goals,
that you do not understand,
Just don't tell me I can't and won't
ever achieve them.
I don't need you to believe in me,
because I believe in myself,
Mistakes and wrong choices have
been made many times, for sure
I never gave up on myself,
even though, many times you
turned your back on me.
So with all that being said,
I am happy to inform you;
I am strong,
I am invincible,
I am a woman,
I am here.