Friday, March 9, 2012

Its been 3,000 hits!!!!!

"I am deeply humbled. To all those who read my posts, I give you thanks from the bottom of my heart.  To my members you are the best. To those who constantly read and comment on the writing, I owe you big. To ALL, thanks for the support. " 


  1. Reading your posts Sabs brings soo much pleasure. Its warming actually to know that somewhere, a girl, just like myself has similar feelings, like the ones i am feeling.

    PLUS: It is encouraging and provides "support" for self help. Trust-you-me... That's why i thought you'd better be thinking of making it more than just a blog. . .

    For the sake of your fans

  2. ...thank you LOve, as with all things they start small...I am discovering my own writing power day after day...I appreciate the support and I am not limiting myself to just this...the future is blank canvas, I can paint anything!!!


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